Monday, October 10, 2011

What the Painter Sees

When I look out at a scene in nature that I am going to paint, I try to simplify and organize what's before me. I don't say, for example, what a lovely light house, trees and garden. I see shapes and the conditions of light effecting them. The question I ask is, how will I organize these shapes on the picture plane to get the greatest sense of what is playing out before me. One of the ways I have found to see and simplify, is to carry a view finder or just use the one on my camera. Seeing the scene before me through the view finder, focuses my vision to within the borders of simple rectangle.

In the painting above, "View From East Beach out to Watch Hill Light" the shapes are organized in such away as to lead the eye from one point to another. All though the wave is a dominate factor, it is not overly so and one can enjoy going passed it and on to the light house and the other shapes in the painting...Shapes lead to shapes.

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